Behavioural Scientist |
PhD Epidemiology & Biostatistics

I am a behavioural scientist with a passion for research methods, R, and data visualization. My skills are at the intersection of behevioural science, research methods, and statistics.

About Me

I am a Behavioural Scientist working in government, and an Adjunct Professor in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Western University. My research focuses on investigating and intervening on modifiable factors of health outcomes. Specifically, I have focused on modeling mental health outcomes over time and examining their interactions with clinical characteristics, family environment, health behaviors, and socioeconomic status. This work has been used to inform my second line of research, focused on the implementation and evaluation of behavioural interventions through randomized control trials. The application of advanced quantitative methods and methods-development work are important aspects of my research program.

Previously, I have worked as a Scientist with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and as a statistician for Western University. I have also completed a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Through these experiences I have worked closely with a broad range of stakeholders, providing scientific expertise, critically apprising and synthesizing information, and clearly explaining technical concepts. I have advanced knowledge of clinical and epidemiological research methods and biostatistics, and importantly, I have developed excellent communication skills. Lastly, I have also built key relationships with multidisciplinary stakeholders and provided leadership by setting and overseeing the attainment of project goals, and managing competing interests, priorities and deadlines.

I also provide statistical and methodological consulting services at a nominal fee; for more information, click here here.